Liang Fang
Research Associate Professor
Research Interests
1) Study gene regulation in cancer stem cells and EMT process at transcription and post-transcription levels
2) Identify functional genes involved in signaling pathways using CRISPR/Cas9-based genetic screen
3) Study tumor evolution and microenvironment using organoid culture and single-cell RNA-seq
Professional Experience
2017-present Research Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology
2013-2017 Postdoc, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine
2007-2008 Research Assistant, Charité University Medicine
2013 Ph.D. (Cell Biology), Humboldt University of Berlin
2007 M.Sc. Med. (Pharmacology), Zhejiang University
2005 B.Sc. Med. (Pharmaceutical Sciences) & B.Sc. (Biotechnology), Zhejiang University
Selected Publication
- ZHU, Q.*, FANG, L.*, HEUBERGER, J., KRANZ, A., SCHIPPER, J., SCHECKENBACH, K., VIDAL, R. O., SUNAGA-FRANZE, D. Y., MULLER, M., WULF-GOLDENBERG, A., SAUER, S. & BIRCHMEIER, W. 2019. The Wnt-Driven Mll1 Epigenome Regulates Salivary Gland and Head and Neck Cancer. Cell Rep, 26, 415-428 e5.
- WENG, Q., WANG, J., WANG, J., WANG, J., SATTAR, F., ZHANG, Z., ZHENG, J., XU, Z., ZHAO, M., LIU, X., YANG, L., HAO, G., FANG, L., LU, Q. R., YANG, B. & HE, Q. 2018. Lenalidomide regulates CNS autoimmunity by promoting M2 macrophages polarization. Cell Death Dis, 9, 251.
- SCHAEFKE, B., SUN, W., LI, Y. S., FANG, L. & CHEN, W. 2018. The evolution of posttranscriptional regulation. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Rna, 9, e1485.
- QI, X., LI, Y., ZHANG, Y., XU, T., LU, B., FANG, L., GAO, J., YU, L., ZHU, D. & YANG, B. 2018. KLF4 functions as an oncogene in promoting cancer stem cell-like characteristics in osteosarcoma cells. Acta pharmacologica Sinica.
- FANG, L., ZHU, Q., NEUENSCHWANDER, M., SPECKER, E., WULF-GOLDENBERG, A., WEIS, W. I., VON KRIES, J. P. & BIRCHMEIER, W. 2016. A Small-Molecule Antagonist of the beta-Catenin/TCF4 Interaction Blocks the Self-Renewal of Cancer Stem Cells and Suppresses Tumorigenesis. Cancer Res, 76, 891-901.
- WEND, P., FANG, L., ZHU, Q., SCHIPPER, J. H., LODDENKEMPER, C., KOSEL, F., BRINKMANN, V., ECKERT, K., HINDERSIN, S., HOLLAND, J. D., LEHR, S., KAHN, M., ZIEBOLD, U. & BIRCHMEIER, W. 2013. Wnt/beta-catenin signalling induces MLL to create epigenetic changes in salivary gland tumours. EMBO J, 32, 1977-89.
- HOLLAND, J. D., GYORFFY, B., VOGEL, R., ECKERT, K., VALENTI, G., FANG, L., LOHNEIS, P., ELEZKURTAJ, S., ZIEBOLD, U. & BIRCHMEIER, W. 2013. Combined Wnt/beta-catenin, Met, and CXCL12/CXCR4 signals characterize basal breast cancer and predict disease outcome. Cell Rep, 5, 1214-27.